- Function is a store of steps that you take to perform certain action.
Parameter and Argument
- Parameter is defined when defining a function .
- Parameter are the placeholder.
- The value that pass when you calling a function.
- Argument are the real value.
Default Parameter
- The default parameter is a way to set default values for function parameters a value is no passed in
function multiply(a, b = 1) {
return a * b;
console.log(multiply(5, 2));
Different Types of function
Function Declaration
function add(numA, numB){
return numA + numB;
Function Expression
- It can stored in a variable.
const addNumber=function add(numA, numB){
return numA + numB;
Anonymous Function Expression
- Do not need function names
const addNumber=function (numA, numB){
return numA + numB;
Arrow Function Expression
- No need to write function key;
const addNumber=(numA, numB)=>{
return numA + numB;
const addNumber=(numA, numB)=>
numA + numB;